Rand mcnally

Date: 2015               Team: 3 UX designers              Tools: Sketch, OmniGraffle, Invision

Rand McNally is a map publishing company that also sells GPS devices. They want to explore geocaching as a possible new industry.

Create an educational geocaching mobile app utilizing Rand McNally's existing database of maps as well as their market presence in the education space.

Contextual inquiry, interviews, personas, concept mapping, user flow, sketching, prototype, user testing

What is geocaching?
Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor scavenger hunt using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location.
Our team went on a geocache hunt on our own to understand the process. We also did a contextual inquiry where we followed an experienced geocacher on his hunt to discover the motivations and pain points behind geocaching.

1. Cares about their stats
2. Want better search function
3. Want to connect with other cachers

Where does geocaching fit in with their business?  We created a survey, posted on forums, and conducted interviews. The results are the voices of 12 truckers, 10 road trippers, and 3 teachers. Through this, we discovered the teachers have the most interest in geocaching because it could be used as an educational tool for children.


Two personas were created to help us keep in mind who we were designing for, Amanda the teacher and Brandon the geocacher.

We created a mental model that shows how the features of our app supports the needs of our users while keeping business goals in mind. This helped us identify key features in our app.

A key feature our solution offers is an educational mode with fun facts, critical thinking questions, and activities for young kids to do.
A user flow helped us visualize the path user will take to navigate the app. The main use case is an elementary school teacher taking her students on a field trip to the zoo.  She wants to find activities and fun facts to share with her students at that location.

A site map is created to map out where we would place our features. Each color represents a different section in the global navigation.


After having an solid idea of what we wanted to design, we started sketching.
We made wireframes to bring our ideas to life and put it all together in one prototype.

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