Date: 2016               Team: Solo designer              Tools: Sketch, Marvel

Create a community feature for a website where doctors can create and share their care plans.

Design an online community gallery where doctors can rate, favorite, and comment on other users’ works. 

Mind mapping, competitive analysis, user flow, feature prioritization, sketching, wireframes, prototype, high fidelity mockups


I began with creating a mind map to help me organize my thoughts associated with the term "Community". Through this, I discovered different factors that I would have to take into account such as commenting, creating a profile, and different types of sharing.

I explored other doctor communities such as Sermo, HealthTap, and QuantiaMD and wrote down the major similarities and differences between each one.  

Through my research, I came up with 5 key things that are needed for a successful community:

1. Valuable content that is reliable and credible
2. Incentive to share (i.e. receive rewards, need feedback)
3. Moderator for comments; quality control
4. Organization; easy to find what you're looking for
5. Have a shared mission or vision


I made a feature prioritization graph to map out features by amount of effort and level of priority. This helped me figure out exactly which features were absolutely necessary and what could be put on hold until the next version.
To determine what type of information should go into the profile, I created comparative analysis chart to discover what information is essential for other healthcare professionals to see.  A profile is important because it provides credibility so that the user can trust the work that is shared. I found that having a photo and listing the doctor's education, clinical specialty, and work title is the most common.
I created a user flow to help me visualize the process in which a user would navigate the Community section.
I made a site map of all the components that are a part of the Community section of the web portal.


After having a solid idea of what I needed to design, I began sketching.
Wireframes were created to make a prototype for user testing.
High fidelity screens were made after finalizing the designs.

From usability testing, one of the biggest challenges for people was finding their profile page. At first, it was nested in the drop down menu at the top right, but users did not think it had any association with the Community section.  Therefore, I moved all profile and activity information to the landing page under the "My Care Plans" category.
Users are able to zoom, scroll, and pan an individual care plan in the preview area. They can click the name of the author to view their profile, as well as rate, favorite, or comment on the care plan. If the user decides they want to use it, they can "use as template".
Once the user is finished creating a care plan, they can share it in 2 ways: 
1. By posting it publicly to the Community
2. Using a share link and sending it to someone who is not signed up for this web application.

The user can also add a description of their care plan.

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